Clyde and The Girls

Clyde normally ignores the hens, but he does use them to lure me into giving him loves and rubs. I think he’s a little jealous of the attention I pay to the girls. I’ll go back to the coop and he’ll come and stand next to me as if to say, “Scratch me and I’ll let you go inside.” 

He’s been showing some signs of aggression, too. When he really wants to be scratched he will try to nip my clothing to get my attention (a bad habit I thought was cute until he bit my arm!) or hook my leg with his horn. This not only hurts like hell but it can cause me to fall. If that happens and Clyde’s pissed off he could do some serious damage to me before I can get back to my feet. Because if this, I keep Clyde in sight at all times or I shut him and Bonnie in their enclosure while I’m working on something back there. 
