Goooat World

Simple pano shot of the world of B&C. If you look closely, they are in the bottom condo. As you can tell from the water in the sump pit, where the downspouts and surface runoff drains from up around the house, it is raining. It has rained all day and B&C have been in the bottom condo all day. B&C hate rain.


They must be hungry then because normally they eat all day? Also: they would be miserable in Holland.
B&C eat for an hour or two. Then they sit and chew their cud for hours on end. The path they take down to the concrete pads -- which we lovingly call their "patio" -- is getting wider by the day as they eat down the grass on either side. The last bale of purchased feed for the winter is in the hopper. When that's done they will be forced to graze on the grass growing back there. I also will move them over to the neighbor's back yard soon so they can have a day of eating the ivy back there. They love ivy.

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