Just Another Goat Video

I mowed the "lawn" on Sunday morning and took the clippings back to the muck pit in the Back Forty. B&C ate a little of the fresh greens but not as much as you would think. They really like their foliage to be intact; pureed grass is not really on their menu. Rather than dive into the wheel barrow full of ground up grass, they were more interested in the bouquet of wild fennel I pulled up by the lemon tree. Fennel and being loved on; that's more in their wheelhouse.

This is a four-minute video of Clyde finishing up the fennel and making a pest of himself in the pursuit of nose rubs.


Oh man I'm smiling from ear to ear! Thanks for this! PS I'm sure that was just a love bite he gave ya.
It was a love bite alright, but he still hurts when he catches your skin.

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