The Pride of Clyde

The weather is warming up and the ground is no longer too muddy for the goats to go grazing, but Clyde still likes to survey his domain from the comfort of the cement pavers I have placed in their enclosure. He is still one handsome goat!


Ed Rovera



Have you considered practicing Goat Yoga with B&C?
Goat Yoga is done with the little Nubian Dwarf goats. They are 25-35 lbs (11.4-15.9 kg). Clyde's at least 150 lbs (68 kg). Would you want that much goat standing on your back? I don't think so!
You could make it Extreme Goat Yoga... Or Power Goat Yoga. For the livestream it would be: Master Goat Yoga with Bonnie & Clyde. And you'd be the new Billy Banks The fans you'd have! They'd be celebrities! Next thing you know you'll be on Goat Yoga With the Stars
Goat Yoga With the Stars! Now that's an image that cannot be unseen....
😄 You're welcome!

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