The Story of "The Girls", Part 1

I've recently received requests to add my new chickens -- aka, "the girls" -- to this blog. At first, I thought this would be a bad idea. I've since decided it really is reasonable. It makes the name of the blog a bit odd but I don't want to go through and try to reserve something like To heck with that!
So, here's the story in its short form: I grew up with chickens, rabbits, and other farm animals. When I retired, I wanted to get a few chickens and add them to my small petting zoo. In February, I purchased six three-day-old chicks -- three Rhode Island Reds (which was the breed my parents preferred) and three Ameraucanas. Why Ameraucanas? Because the feed store only had three Rhode Islands and I wanted six chickens. Why six? Because three of them are at least nominally my neighbor's chickens thanks to Oakland's three hen per household rule. The one plus to the Ameraucanas is that their eggs are blue and green. As long as they lay eggs the way they are supposed to I think that will be interesting.