Where are the Eggs Going?

After I started letting the girls out of the coop to roam the Back Forty I noticed a decrease in their egg production. No worries. I knew they might find a corner, dig out a little hollow, and lay their eggs there. When I detected the decrease, I walked the area and carefully looked for any nests. Nothing.

Maybe the shorter days have something to do with it. No, not late enough for that. Are the goats eating the eggs? Not likely. Goats aren't known for being egg eaters.

Yesterday, I found their nest. Under my little work table next to the compost pile they love to tear up looking for bugs was a depression filled with four eggs. The only reason I was able to catch their trickery was because two other eggs had rolled out and gone down next to the coop. I saw those and figured there must be more.

I collected what was there and put a milk crate nest -- just like the ones in the hen house -- on the bottom shelf of the table. We'll see today if they are willing to forgo the joy of using their little hidey hole in favor of a box I can reach without being on my knees.

Ed Rovera