Wildfire Fuel Suppression System

It is March now. That means no more alfalfa until the Wildfire Fuel Suppression System (WFSS, or WooFaSS) cleans up the vegetation so the Oakland Fire doesn’t give me grief. These pictures show a couple of the patches in the area where they have started grazing the sweet grass tops and flowers. The light green areas used to be the same dark green as the surrounding grass, but B&C have started to eat away at the green leaves and stems, leaving just the pale undergrowth. As that gets more sun, it will green up as well and become the goats’ second course.


I estimate B&C will finish my “back 40” in about a month, six weeks, tops. Then I will move them over to my neighbor’s back yard and let them graze over there until they have cleared her space. Jackie’s yard is larger than mine, with more trees and ivy. The goats absolutely love ivy. OFD will start their inspections in mid-May. Hopefully B&C will have eaten enough to pass Jackie’s property as well as ours.


Ed Rovera