Just Another Goat Video

I mowed the "lawn" on Sunday morning and took the clippings back to the muck pit in the Back Forty. B&C ate a little of the fresh greens but not as much as you would think. They really like their foliage to be intact; pureed grass is not really on their menu. Rather than dive into the wheel barrow full of ground up grass, they were more interested in the bouquet of wild fennel I pulled up by the lemon tree. Fennel and being loved on; that's more in their wheelhouse.

This is a four-minute video of Clyde finishing up the fennel and making a pest of himself in the pursuit of nose rubs.

Goooat World

Simple pano shot of the world of B&C. If you look closely, they are in the bottom condo. As you can tell from the water in the sump pit, where the downspouts and surface runoff drains from up around the house, it is raining. It has rained all day and B&C have been in the bottom condo all day. B&C hate rain.

The Pride of Clyde

The weather is warming up and the ground is no longer too muddy for the goats to go grazing, but Clyde still likes to survey his domain from the comfort of the cement pavers I have placed in their enclosure. He is still one handsome goat!


Ed Rovera


Bonnie Hates Mud

Do you know what a pissed off goat looks like? Bonnie wants to graze on the new grass coming up but she’s not a fan of getting her feet muddy. You see her here, standing on the wall, braying out to the world as if to say, “No fair raining when I want to enjoy my compound!” But her feet are dry. That’s what’s really important to her.

Ed Rovera