Clyde the Resourceful Goat

If you look at these photos, you will see numerous holes in this muck pit. At first I thought a possum or raccoon had been digging it it for bugs. Then I saw the naked branches directly above the pit, certain proof the Clyde had stood on his hind legs to eat what he could reach. The goats love leaves off trees and will go to considerable lengths to nibble a few.

Separate Dishes

Clyde has taken to butting Bonnie away from the food trough so I’m forced to feed them separately now. Much calmer dinner time and much less gobbling up of the rations. Both eat slowly and peacefully.

Final — or close-to-final — mods to the feeder

Forgot to post these photos of the feeder. I added a rail to keep the goats from climbing into the feeder but it’s only partially effective. They still like to eat what’s in the back or top of a bale before going for the easily reaches food in the front. Don’t know exactly why that’s the case, but at least they aren’t throwing a third of a bale on the ground.

New Goat Feeder

Three-day weekend checklist complete. New goat feeder built and stocked with a bale of orchard grass. I have another bale of alfalfa that will go into the old feeder after I board up the door. The old feeder is going to be repurposed as feed storage. When the new feeder goes dry, toss a bale in from storage and then get another bale when it’s convenient for me, not for two hungry goats.